Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Your Problems

Events occur in our lives and if they are events that we don't want, then we see them as a problem or being a negative thing. Now, there is no such thing as a problem (I'll go into full details about this in another post). There are only events that occur in ones life. Now when the event is something that we don't like or don't want then we term that as a problem because we are then seeing it as a stumbling block, which actually isn't the case. Let me tell you why here.

Everything we see happening around us and how our lives are created depends on how we see things. That's, how you see things through your life binoculars. Your perspective on things.
If something happens to you in your life, you can choose how you can see that, you can see it as either positive or negative and that's what will create the characteristic of the whole thing that occurred.

An Example On Perspective

So lets use me as an example. I fell ill because of a huge level of depression and fear. So I couldn't continue schooling and had to stop schooling at the first year of high school. That was 3 years ago, 2007. So I've been home from school for 3 years.
Now, there are two ways through which I can choose to see this event that occurred in my life. I can see it as a great and positive thing and I can also choose to see it as anegative and depressing thing that has made my life unlivable.

At first I saw it as a negative and depressing thing which made me more depressed. But now I see it as a great opportunity that I can use to help make all my dreams come true.
So right now, I'm in a US online high school (I'm Ghanaian from Ghana and in Ghana too), even though my mates are in the first year of college now. I don't care, and this is where I choose to get positive about it and not see it as a problem but a springboard to greater things to happen in my life :). Because even though my mates are in college and I'm still in high school, I have a chance to choose my life path well cos at first when I was in high school I really didn't know what I was going to do as my career and I also didn't like what my dad said I should do ( a medical doctor). So now I get to choose what I want, and also get to share all my life experiences with all you guys, how wonderful :).

So if something is happening in your life, be wary of how you choose to see it cos that's what will determine the path your life will take. If you decide to see it as negative; your life will take a different turn (a bad one, that is), but if you decide to see it as a positive thing; your life will again take a different, this time a positive one. So use that life binoculars you've got in your hands very well and very decisively and wisely too. Cos it's all about perspective here.

Now, I don't know what you are going through whether it's a relationship problem or job problem but if you decide to see it from another perspective you'll get a new view. So that's what I want you to do now. The perspective I want you to see things from from now is the positive one, so that you'll always see the positive angle of what is happening to you in your life. Seeing things from the negative angle will never let you move forward in your life. It will always send you backwards, even way back than where you are now.

An Assignment For You All To Do

So I'm going to give you all an assignment today. I want you all to get a pen or a pencil and get yourself a notebook or notepad, don't just get a sheet of paper cos you might want to go back and review something about the assignment I gave you, and then maybe you find it in your dog's dog house. You wouldn't want that, would you? LOL :D.
So get a notebook/notepad and a pen/pencil and write down the event that has occurred in your life that you don't like or see it as a problem or stumbling block. Now start to think of the positive things that that event that has happened in your life could bring you and the positive things that you can derive from it too. Then write them all down. After doing this you'll see how every problem is not a problem at all. They are just events we don't like! And you'll also see all the positive things you can get from that event and the positive things that event is bringing you. Now take any of those positive things or some of them or even of all them, if you can, and start applying them to your life.

Now I'm going to use myself as an example again for the assignment too.

My event was stopping schooling because I got ill.

Now the positive outcomes I've got and will get from this events occurrence are as follows:
  1. I'm no more in a brick and mortar school so I can decide what to do with my time since my online school allows you to work at your own pace and flexibility. You decide when you do school and where. All they need is your course is complete by the end of the year. Even if you are not done by the end of the year, you can request additional time and pay a little fee. See how this event has given me more blessings of time and place flexibilty and being able to pursue what I want. Something that brick and mortar wouldn't have been able to give me.
  2. I've learnt a whole lot from staying home these past 3 years that school could never have taught me. Life experiences (like what I'm teaching you guys now), great experience in computers, web programming, and the web at large, big English vocabularies ( all from reading reading reading and reading on the web), and a lot more that I can't mention here cos space wouldn't avail me :).
So this is an example of how to turn an event you don't like in your life to one you like or even love :). It's all about your perspective on things or how you see things. The angle from which you look at things. This is what determines how you see things around you.

So this how to get rid of your problems. If you see everything as positive, where is the problem now? Gone!! Cos there's no negative!! :)

Let me know how you fared with the assignment. The kind of positive outcomes you were able to derive from an unwanted event in your life. How you felt seeing all those positive things related to the unwanted event. I mean just give me the info on how the assignment went with you :)).
Contact me through here and let me know :)).

If you liked this post or found it helpful, why not share it with your friends by email or through any of the social networks :). Thanks :).

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  1. Good Stuff, Shirley...I now can understand why you relate so much to my posts.Only when you go through an ocean of pain, when you have lost faith in people,when god becomes your all in all...That's when your able to write from your heart out....good work , keep going!

  2. Thanks very much, Priya. I'm glad you see all these in me :). I know you are finding all that I'm sharing helpful :)). Have a nice day and you keep the fire burning too :)).
